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Interest network promoting Pirna’s twin town relations

The interest network has the objective of encouraging good relations between residents of Pirna and residents of other towns, both in Germany and abroad, over and above the official connections established between twin town representatives.

Working together with the town of Pirna, the network focuses on fostering, maintaining and establishing relations between twin towns on the levels of culture, sports and community, as well as creating and preserving connections between schools, clubs, organisations and private individuals. The network also facilitates the sharing of experiences and information and organises town-twinning events, such as trips for residents, project weeks and stalls on Christmas markets selling articles from Pirna and its twin towns.

The interest network would like to recruit more and more interested citizens to help further the project and voluntarily support the town partnerships. Anyone who wishes to help fulfil the purpose of the town’s connections can become an active member. Membership is free of charge.