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Working with the City of Pirna

Pirna has a modern, innovative city council, providing a proficient service which is accessible to its people. There are currently over 250 members of staff employed across the wide range of departments at the City of Pirna council.

In order to be prepared for any challenges that may arise in the future, the City is always looking for new, qualified specialists to join the team. Not only should members of our team show commitment and contribute ideas, but they should also work well in a team and be pro-active, all whilst demonstrating a keen awareness of citizens’ best interests.

Every year, the City also looks for motivated young people who would like to start a training programme with the City of Pirna council. Applications for internships and voluntary years of social service (Freiwilliges Soziales Jahr, FSJ) are also welcome. You can find more information on training programmes and job opportunities on our German website.

Education in pirna

Plant mechanic

Auszubildender Anlagenmechaniker der Stadtwerke Pirna


I lay pipes and lines of various kinds. I bring gas and water to the people.

Mechatronics engineer

Auszubildender Mechatroniker der Stadtwerke Pirna GmbH


From the smallest microchip to large diesel gensets - I install and monitor the technology.

Industrial clerk

Auszubildende Industriekauffrau der Energieversorgung Pirna mbH


Words and numbers are my tools of the trade. I am the interface between all commercial areas.

Professional firefighter

Auszubildender Berufsfeuerwehrmann der Stadtverwaltung Pirna


I fight fires, rescue people and provide technical assistance. I rush to help when danger threatens.

Administrative assistant

Auszubildende Verwaltungsfachangestellte der Stadtverwaltung Pirna


I assist the people of Pirna in their dealings with the authorities and am the link between citizens and the law.

Real estate agent

Auszubildende Immobilienkauffrau der Städtischen Wohnungsgesellschaft Pirna mbH


I give every 4th Pirnaer a home, bring generations together and arrange people their dream apartment.

Businesswoman for office management

Auszubildende Kauffrau für Büromanagement der Städtischen Wohnungsgesellsachft Pirna mbH


Behind the scenes, I make sure that everything runs smoothly. I give our tenants a good feeling.

Businesswoman for tourism and leisure

Auszubildende zur Kauffrau für Tourismus und Freizeit bei der Kultur- und Tourismusgesellschaft Pirna mbH (KTP)


I organize the most beautiful time of the year for others. I make curious about Pirna and Saxon Switzerland.

Specialist for media and information services

Auszubildende Medien-Informationsdienste


I spark a new love of reading, inspire fun with language, and work in one of the most beautiful libraries.